









The latest update on the magazine and website now has the magazine in full design, and the website launched with the advertisers information. Full launch for the magazine is March 7th, for the website it's February 7th. The magazine will be available for preview on line to watch its continuing creation on a day by day basis.













A new project just started is with a local artist, Talia Moreno.

In promoting her whimsical art style, and characters, we have created a two platforms. One that markets Talia and her art with a range of paintings and created pieces, and one that features a particular character that is being developed for use on outside companies goods and product lines. The project involved the branding of each sector, and the creation of all web and promotional media.

The project is now moving into the promotional stage where we have created and placed print and digital ads in a variety of publications, and are launching a press campaign for further exposure.











In a collaboration with the 21 year old conceptualizer of a renewable energy focus website and magazine, covering all forms of generation and transportation, we have begun the work for a comprehensive website for the content and have completed the conceptual work for the magazine design.

The project so far has been a test of the resources we have gathered, using pretty much every one of them in the creation and launch of the project.





mailing address


main phone


primary e-mail


370 Wabasha Street North

Saint Paul, MN 55102


ph: 612.388.4990

